import time
# Initial coordinates
x0 = 10.0
y0 = 30.0
ball_diameter = 30
window = Tk()
canvas = Canvas(window, width=400, height=300, bg='black')
# Lists which will contain all the x and y coordinates. So far they just
# contain the initial coordinate
x = [x0]
y = [y0]
# The velocity, or distance moved per time step
vx = 10.0 # x velocity
vy = 5.0 # y velocity
# Boundaries
x_min = 0.0
y_min = 0.0
x_max = 400.0
y_max = 300.0
# Generate x and y coordinates for 500 timesteps
for t in range(1, 500):
# New coordinate equals old coordinate plus distance-per-timestep
new_x = x[t - 1] + vx
new_y = y[t - 1] + vy
# If a boundary has been crossed, reverse the direction
if new_x >= x_max or new_x <= x_min:
vx = vx * -1.0
if new_y >= y_max or new_y <= y_min:
vy = vy * -1.0
# Append the new values to the list
# For each timestep
for t in range(1, 500):
# Create an circle which is in an (invisible) box whose top left corner is at (x[t], y[t])
canvas.create_oval(x[t], y[t], x[t] + ball_diameter, y[t] + ball_diameter, fill="blue", tag='blueball')
# Pause for 0.05 seconds, then delete the image
miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2019
Programa propio.
Programa que hace una pelota rebotar, reposicionandola al asignarle a su posición el valor de una variable e ir aumentando el valor de esa variable con el uso de for.